Rabu, 20 Februari 2008

Glossary -Amines -for IIT JEE

"amide" is for the CONH2 or CONR2(more general) bond system at the end of the carbon chain


The primary suffix name for an aliphatic acid amide is based on the "longest carbon chain name (without e)" + "amide" for the CONH2 bond system at the end of the carbon chain e.g. methanamide, ethanamide etc. There are two hydrogens on the N of the amide group.

These have one hydrogen and one alkyl or aryl group on the N of the amide group.

These have two alkyl or aryl groups attached to the N of the amide group.

POLYAMIDES and POLYPEPTIDES are secondary amides formed in a condensation reaction between a carboxylic acid and an amine. Water is eliminated between the two 'monomers' to give the secondary, polyamide (polymer) or polypeptide ( in proteins) linkage

AminesAmines are regarded as derivatives of ammonia in which one, two or all three hydrogen atoms are replaced by alkyl or aryl group.

Carbylamine reaction

The treatment of a primary amine with chloroform and alcoholic potash produces carbylamine (isocyanide) which has most offensive smell. This reaction is not exhibited by secondary and tertiary amines.

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