Senin, 10 November 2008

ChemSpider Talk at Drexel Nov 12 2008

Antony Williams is giving a talk on ChemSpider at Drexel University at 2:00 PM Wednesday November 12, 2008. (Disque 109, corner of 32nd and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia). Even if you attended his talk at Drexel a few months ago, come back to learn about the newest ChemSpider tools.
Crowdsourcing, Collaborations and Text-Mining in a World of Open Chemistry

There is an increasing availability of free and open access resources for scientists to use on the internet. Coupled with the increasing availability of Open Source software tools we are in the middle of a revolution in data availability and tools to manipulate these data. However, freedom costs and in many cases the cost is quality. ChemSpider has taken on the task of both robotically and manually curating publicly available data sources. This presentation will provide an overview of the issue of quality in many chemistry-related databases, approaches to cleaning up the data and how a curated platform can become the centralized hub for resourcing information about chemical entities. This includes experimental and predicted properties, analytical data, publications, suppliers and integrated databases. I will detail three efforts :1) the curation of chemistry on Wikipedia 2) an examination of structure integrity on the FDA Daily Med website, a web site of medication content and labeling as found in medication package inserts 3) recognizing chemical names in documents and providing a platform for structure-based searching of Open Access chemistry literature.

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