Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Chemistry Paper-2 Continued...

Now Let us proceed topic wise in Chemistry paper-2 :

1. Aromaticity: One must start with the chapter of Aromaticity in Jerry march

· refer Chapter 8 of Aromaticity in Advanced Organic Chemistry(5th edition) by Carey and Sundberg...Do solve the end of the chapter problems…

· read chapter15(Benzene and Aromaticity) from Organic Chemistry(7th edition)by McMurry…also solve the end of the chapter problems of this book which are quite good…

· read chapter-15 of Aromaticity from Organic Chemistry by P.Y.Bruice and solve the end of the chapter problems…In Indian Forest Service 2009 exam, 2-questions of aromaticity were directly picked up from this book..

· read chapter-16 of Organic Chemistry(2nd edition) by Hornback and solve the end of the chapter problems

· Read chapter-11 (Arenes and Aromaticity) of Organic Chemistry by Francis A. Carey and solve the end of the chapter problems…

· Solve the end of the chapter problems of Organic Chemistry by Hoffma

Best strategy will be to collect all the good problems from these books in one place which will help in revision during exam time.

2. (a) (i) Reaction Mechanisms: read it from Brilliant…For Isotopic method try and solve all the problems that have come in Civil Services Exam…esp 2005Q1(c) and 2006 Q2(b)…

For the isotopic effect do read chapter-5 of Organic Chemistry by Hoffman and solve question5.1 of this book

(ii) Reactive Intermediates:

· For carbenes refer a particular chapter in Organic Chemistry by Clayden…also refer to the Carbenes given in Organic Reaction Mechanisms by R.K.Bansal…

· Also refer chapter-5 of Advanced Organic Chemistry by Jerry March (6th Edition) …this chapter covers almost all the intermediates…

(iii) Substitution Reactions:

· Read the relevant chapter of Organic Chemistry by Clayden..

· Chapter-4 of Advanced Organic Chemistry_Carey & Sundberg(Part-A)(5th edition) is very good and it cover some good examples…

· Do refer to the Chapter-10 of Advanced Organic Chemistry by Jerry March(6th Edition)

· For the neighbouring group participation topic, refer to the Organic Reaction Mechanisms by R.K.Bansal

· For Heterocyclic compounds, refer to theChapter-20(Aromatic Heterocyclic Compounds) of Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems in Organic Chemistry…a lot of good problems are given in this chapter…also refer the book Heterocyclic Chemistry by R.K.Bansal…read chapter-21 of Organic Chemistry by P.Y.Bruice (it is a very good chapter)… now a these days many questions are asked from Heterocyclic so prepare it thoroughly….

· For Neighboring group refer to the corresponding chapter in Organic Reaction Mechanisms by R.K.Bansal.

· Do refer to the in chapter and end of the chapter problems given in Organic Chemistry by S.H.Pine

· Refer to the Chapter-5 Unimolecular Substitutions and Related Reactions from the book Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry by Lowry and Richardson. Two 20 mark questions in Chemistry paper-2 (CSM 2006) were asked from this chapter’s end problems.

· For Substitution in Aromatic Compounds read the chapter from Clayden , refer from Chapter-9 of Carey & Sundberg(Part-A)(5th edition),read chapter-16 of Organic Chemistry(7th edition) by McMurry and also read Chapter-16 (Reactions of Substituted Benzenes) from Organic Chemistry by P.Y.Bruice

(iv) Elimination Reactions

· Read the relevant chapter of Organic Chemistry by Clayden..

· Chapter-5 of Advanced Organic Chemistry by Carey & Sundberg(Part-A)(5th edition) is very good and it cover some good examples…

· Do refer to the Chapter-10 of Advanced Organic Chemistry by Jerry March(6th Edition)

· Also read the chapter in Organic Reaction Mechanisms by R.K.Bansal

· Syn Elimination can be read from the Advanced Organic Chemistry by Jerry March(6th Edition) and also from Organic Reaction Mechanisms by R.K.Bansal

· Do refer to the in chapter and end of the chapter problems given in Organic Chemistry by S.H.Pine

(v) Addition Reactions:

· Read the relevant chapter of Organic Chemistry by Clayden..

· Read chapter19 from Organic Chemistry(7th edition)by McMurry…also solve the end of the chapter problems..

(vi) Reactions and Rearrangements:

· Read chapter of Rearrangement from Organic Chemistry by Clayden..

· Read the rearrangements from Sanyal and Sanyal

· Read the rearrangements given in Organic Reaction Mechanisms by R.K.Bansal

· Read the relevant rearrangements from Jerry march

· Read the chapter 6 of Intramolecular Arrangement from Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry by Lowry and Richardson

2. (b) Name reactions:

· Read chapter of Rearrangement from Organic Chemistry by Clayden..

· Read the rearrangements from Sanyal and Sanyal

· Read the rearrangements given in Organic Reaction Mechanisms by R.K.Bansal

· Read the relevant rearrangements from Jerry march

· Read the same from Norman and Coxon…

3. Pericyclic Reactions:

· The best book for this topic in Pericyclic Chemistry by Jaya Singh and Jagdamba Singh

· Solve all the in chapter, end of the chapter of Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyed (a good no of questions have been asked in CSM from this book)

· Read chapter of Pericyclic Reactions -1, 2 from Organic Chemistry by Clayden..

· Read chapter of Pericyclic Chemistry from Principles of Organic Synthesis: Norman and Coxon

· Read the chapter of Pericyclic Reactions(Chapter-22) from Organic Chemistry(2nd edition) by Hornback

· Read the chapter of Pericyclic Reactions(Chapter-30) from Organic Chemistry(7nd edition) by McMurry

· Read the chapter of Pericyclic Reactions from Organic Chemistry by S.H.Pine

· Read the chapter 12 of (APPLICATIONS OF THE PERICYCLIC SELECTION RULES) from Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry by Lowry and Richardson…please solve the end of the chapter problems…

4 (i) Preparation and Properties of Polymers:

Prepare polymer notes by consulting the following books…it is also important to focus on the end

of the chapter problems..The references for the Polymers were the following:

· Chapter-52 of Organic Chemistry by Clayden..

· Chapter-28 of Organic Chemistry by P.Y.Bruice

· Chapter-31 of Organic Chemistry(7nd edition) by McMurry

· Chapter-24 of Organic Chemistry(2nd edition) by Hornback

· Relevant chapter of Polymer from Organic Chemistry by S.H.Pine

· Relevant chapter of Polymer from Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyed

· Principles of Polymerization-Odian is the best book for most of the topics of Polymers but it is very elaborative so please select the relevant portion for ur purpose..

4 (ii) Biopolymers :

· Read all the books that were mentioned above for the polymers and also read from I.L.Finar Volume-2(Bio polymers has been dealt nicely in this book)

5. Synthetic Uses of Reagents: There is no particular book for this topic…but one will have to collect the different examples from different books…

· Read it from Sanyal and Sanyal

· Some of the reagents are given in the book Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis(4th edition) by William Carruthers …

6. Photochemistry:

· Read it from Photochemistry And Pericyclic Reactions by Jaya Singh and Jagdamba Singh

· Read the chapter of photochemistry from Principles of Organic Synthesis by Norman and Coxon

7. Spectroscopy: Every year some 80- 120 marks questions are asked from this topic so it is an important topic..The basics of Spectroscopy should be covered from the following books:

· Introduction to Spectroscopy by Donald Pavia

· Relevant chapters of Spectroscopy given in Organic Chemistry by Clayden..

· Spectroscopy by P.S.Kalsi

· Spectroscopy by Y.R.Sharma

· Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, Chapter 11 of Organic Chemistry by Hoffman…

· Spectroscopy by William Kemp ( it is a very good book for the fundamentals)

· Relevant chapter of Spectroscopy from Organic Chemistry by P.Y.Bruice

· Relevant chapter of Spectroscopy from Organic Chemistry(7nd edition) by McMurry

· Relevant chapter of Spectroscopy from Organic Chemistry(2nd edition) by Hornback

· Relevant chapter of Spectroscopy from Organic Chemistry by S.H.Pine

· Relevant chapter of Spectroscopy from Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyed

· Refer to the Chapter-12(Spectroscopy and Srtucture) of Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems in Organic Chemistry

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