Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Strategy for Chemistry Paper-1 Continued...

Electrchemistry: Main books are PSP, K.L.Kapoor, Atkins, Castellan, Alberty & Silbey …
Other reference books are:
Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications by Bard and Faulkner(2nd edition)
Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis (5th edition)
Fundametntal of Analytical Chemistry by Skoog (8th edition)
Electrochemistry is an important chapter of Physical chemistry and every year 40-80 marks questions are asked from this topic so prepare it in depth covering all the grey areas…for this topic material availability has always been a problem but the books that I have mentioned will be quite useful…
Debye-Huckel theory of strong electrolytes and Debye-Huckel limiting Law for various equilibrium and transport properties: The derivation of Debye-Huckel theory is very lengthy so it can be left ….but prepare the old questions that have come in this topic esp CSE2002 & CSE 2007 question…
Concentration cells: prepare a write up on concentration cells from K.L.Kapoor, PSP, page 392 of Castellan.. Prepare answers to the CSE2001, CSE2003 and IFS 2002 questions on this topic.
Galvanic cells, electrochemical series, measurement of e.m.f. of cells: read from page 216-233 of Atkins, Chapter 17 of Castellan, K.L.Kapoor and PSP…
Fuel cells and batteries: prepare the fuell cells from Alberty & Silbey,page 947 of Atkins batteries from K.L.Kapoor, PSP…
Processes at electrodes; double layer at the interface; rate of charge transfer, current density; over potential: read it from page 932 of Atkins…read it from PSP, K.L.Kapoor, read it from Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis (5th Edition), read double layer at interface from page 432 of Castellan..
Electroanalytical techniques: Polarography, amperometry, ion selective electrodes and their uses: for polarography read it from page 592 Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Vogel (5th Edition)… PSP, and chapter-7 of Electrochemical methods by Bard and Faulkner…Do prepare the Ilkovic equation’s derivation and also E1/2 cell derivation….Prepare amperometry from Page 626 of Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Vogel (5th Edition)
For Ion-selective Electrodes: Read from page 92 of Electrochemical methods by Bard and Faulkner and also read chapter -21(Potentiometry) from Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry by Skoog (8th edition)

Chemical Kinetics: Main books are Atkins, Alberty & Silbey, Laidler, Castellan, PSP
Differential and integral rate equations for zeroth, first, second and fractional order reactions: read it from PSP, Atkins, Alberty & Silbey
Rate equations involving reverse, parallel, consecutive and chain reactions; branching chain and explosion: Prepare from PSP, Castellan, Atkins
Study of fast reactions by stop-flow and relaxation methods: Prepare it from Atkins, Castellan, Alberty & Silbey..
Collisions and transition state theories: Prepare it from PSP, Atkins...solve all the previously asked questions....

Photochemistry: Main books are PSP, Atkins, Alberty & Silbey, Laidler..
Absorption of light: prepare the quantum yield…and solve numerical that have appeared earlier…go through all the solved examples on Quantum yield from Atkins and Alberty & Silbey….
Decay of excited state by different routes: prepare a write up on different processes…Jablonski diagram is very important…
Photochemical reactions between hydrogen and halogens and their quantum yields: prepare this topic comprehensively and also solve the IFS questions of 2008 and 2009…prepare it from Laidler also….topic of comparison of photochemical reactions of halogens: do it from Laidler…

Surface Phenomena and Catalysis: Main books are PSP, Atkins, Alberty & Silbey, Castellan, K.L.Kapoor, Laidler..
Absorption from gases on solid adsorbents: prepare the basics of adsorption like difference between Physical and Chemical Adsorption, types of adsorption of gases on solids…the factors on which the adsorption depends upon etc…read page 426-432 of Castellan(3rd edition)
Absorption from solutions on solid adsorbents: read chapter 11th from Physical Chemistry of Surfaces (6thEd) by Adamson…Also prepare the Gibbs’ adsorption isotherm and its experimental verification: read page 420-424 of Castellan (3rd edition)

Langmuir and B.E.T. adsorption isotherms: Prepare the kinetic derivation of Langmuir from Alberty & Silbey…prepare the B.E.T derivation from page 428 of Castellan and from chapter 17th of Physical Chemistry of Surfaces (6th Ed) by Adamson…prepare the derivation of Langmuir isotherm from the B.E.T. isotherm…prepare the answer for 2004 CSE question of isosteric enthalpy of adsorption from page 919 of Atkins...
Determination of surface area: Prepare CSE2002 question on determination of Surface area.
Characteristics and mechanism of reaction on heterogeneous catalysts: This had been the most important topic of this chapter so prepare a good writeup on this topic covering all the areas….Assumptions and the basic steps are best given in Brilliant solution of CSE2003….refer Alberty & Silbey for the further derivation…prepare an answer for the CSE2007 question on the Theories of Heterogeneous Catalysis from page 927 of Atkins & also from Laidler.

Bio-inorganic Chemistry:Main books are Cotton & Wilkinson, Huheey, Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry by Lippard, & Berg, J.D.Lee
Metal ions in biological systems: The material for this topic is scattered so one will have to read different sources and prepare an answer for this topic…the sources are: Inorganic Chemistry by Shriver & Atkins, Cotton and Wilkinson, Lippard & Berg and J.D.Lee…refer to the metal ions which have already been asked in CSE2008 and IFS2006 exams…
Metal ions in biological systems and their role in ion transport across the membranes (molecular mechanism): Prepare the Sodium-Potassium Pump from internet…First explain the structure of the pump and then process..the process can be seen in the given animations:
Oxygen-uptake proteins: prepare it from Cotton & Wilkinson and also from Huheey, Puri Sharma & Kalia.
Cytochromes: prepare Cytochromes from Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson and also from internet…do prepare a write up on Cytochromes-450..
Ferredoxins: prepare it from Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson and also from internet…prepare answer for IFS2007 question on Redox Interconversion in Ferredoxins(do it from Cotton & Wilkinson)...prepare the role of Ferredoxins in Photosynthesis…

Coordination Compounds: Main books are Puri Sharma & Kalia(PSK), Huheey,
Tuli & Madan, Cotton & Wilkinson, J.D.Lee, Shriver & Atkins, Meissler & Tarr

(i) Valence bond theory, crystal field theory and its modifications: Prepare the theory and examples of VBT from PSK, Tuli & Madan. Try to write an answer for a compulsory question on VBT, asked in CSE2006…Read CFT from PSK, Tuli & Madan, Huheey, J.D.Lee….read its modifications also…A good no of questions were asked from CFT in previous CS exams so try and prepare their write up….a lot of such questions are repeated in the current CS exam..
Applications of theories in the explanation of magnetism and electronic spectra of metal complexes: Read this topic from PSK, Cotton & Wilkinson, and Chapter 11 of Huheey and also from Chapter11 of Meissler & Tarr. Read the electronic spectra of various groups from J.D.Lee..Prepare answers to the questions asked in previous CS examinations..

(ii) Isomerism in coordination compounds: prepare all the types with examples from PSK and Huheey…
IUPAC nomenclature of coordination compounds: prepare the write up regarding the rules for writing IUPAC nomenclature and also solve the previous questions….
Stereochemistry of complexes with 4 and 6 coordination numbers: refer Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson…
Chelate effect: Prepare it from Tuli & Madan and also from Huheey….
Polynuclear complexes: Prepare it from Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson, Tuli & Madan..
Trans effect and its theories: Best given in Meissler & Tarr, also refer to Tuli & Madan…
Kinetics of substitution reactions in square-planer complexes: refer Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson, Shriver & Atkins and also Tuli & Madan….Prepare IFS2007 question on substitution.
Thermodynamic and kinetic stability of complexes: Prepare the write up from Tuli & Madan, Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson…

(iii) EAN rule: Prepare it from Tuli & Madan….
Synthesis structure and reactivity of metal carbonyls: Prepare it from Tuli & Madan, Huheey. Cotton & Wilkinson, PSK…prepare all the earlier asked questions….
Synthesis structure and reactivity of carboxylate anions, carbonyl hydrides and metal nitrosyl compounds: Prepare it from PSK, Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson

(iv) Complexes with aromatic systems, synthesis, structure and bonding in metal olefin complexes, alkyne complexes: prepare it from PSK, Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson…
Cyclopentadienyl complexes: This is a very important topic so prepare it carefully…read from Huheey, prepare the MO diagram of Ferrocene from Cotton & Wilkinson
Coordinative unsaturation, oxidative addition reactions, insertion reactions: Prepare from Huheey, PSK
Fluxional molecules and their characterization: refer Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson…
Compounds with metal-metal bonds and metal atom clusters: refer PSK, Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson…Prepare a write up on this topic…

Main Group Chemistry:
I did not prepare this topic at all....but basics can be prepared from Huheey & J.D.Lee

General Chemistry of ‘f’ Block Elements:
Prepare it from Tuli & Madan, J.D.Lee, Huheey, Cotton & Wilkinson…..prepare answers for all the previously asked questions…

Feel Free to ask any doubt regarding Chemistry...please post ur queries related to Chemistry under this topic...

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