Senin, 03 Desember 2012


1. A human being has _____ autosomes and ______ sex chromosomes
A.      23, 1
B.      22 pairs, 1 pair
C.      23, 23
D.      2, 2

2. A section of chromosomes that codes for a trait can be called a(n):
A.      nucleotide
B.      base-pair
C.      gene
D.      nucleus

3. Somatic cells of a human have ____ chromosomes and are called ____
A.      10, haploid
B.      92, diploid
C.      23, haploid
D.      46, diploid

4. A person who receives an extra chromosome, could have:
A.      Heightened intelligence
B.      Down Syndrome
C.      Red eyes
D.      Polygenic traits

5. Each chromosome consists of two identical:
A.      genes
B.      nuclei
C.      chromatids
D.      bases

6. If a person receives an X and a Y chromosome, that person is:
A.      female
B.      male
C.      red eyed
D.      mentally challenged

7. Two alleles for pea plant height are designated T (tall) and t (dwarf). These alleles are found on:
A.      genes
B.      sex chromosomes
C.      ribosomes
D.      homologous chromosomes

8. An animal has 40 chromosomes in its gametes, how many chromosomes would you expect to find in this animal's brain cells?
A.      1
B.      20
C.      40
D.      80

9. A picture of a person's chromosomes is called a(n):
A.      karyotype
B.      syndrome
C.      chromatin
D.      fingerprint

10. During which phase of mitosis is DNA replicated?
A.      interphase
B.      prophase
C.      anaphase
D.      telophase

11. Meiosis results in _____
A.      2 haploid daughter cells
B.      4 haploid daughter cells
C.      2 diploid daughter cells
D.      4 diploid daughter cells
12. Which of the following cells undergo meiosis?
A.      sperm cells
B.      liver cells
C.      unicellular organisms
D.      all of these
13. The picture depicts what phase of meiosis
A.      propase 1
B.      prophase 2
C.      anaphase 1
D.      anaphase 2
14. Crossing-over occurs during:
A.      anaphase 1
B.      metaphase 1
C.      prophase 1
D.      prophase 2
15. Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces:
A.      zygotes
B.      chromosomes
C.      DNA
D.      gametes
16. Which of the following distinguishes prophase 1 of meiosis from prophase of mitosis?
A.      homologous chromosomes pair up
B.      spindle forms
C.      nuclear membrane breaks down
D.      chromosomes become visible
17. A cell with a diploid number of 24 undergoes meiosis, how many chromosomes are in each daughter cell?
A.      6
B.      12
C.      24
D.      48
18. The picture depicts what stage of meiosis?

A.      prophase 1
B.      anaphase 1
C.      metaphase 1
D.      metaphase 2

19. Examine the picture of the cell. What phase is the cell in?

A.      prophase
B.      anaphase
C.      metaphase
D.      telophase
20. What is the structure labeled "X" on the picture?
A.      centriole
B.      spindle
C.      chromosome
D.      chromatid
21. During which phase do chromosome first become visible?
A.      interphase
B.      telophase
C.      metaphase
D.      prophase
22. A cell with 10 chromosomes undergoes mitosis. How many daughter cells are created? ___ Each daughter cell has ___ chromosomes.
A.      2, 10
B.      10, 2
C.      1, 10
D.      2, 20
23. What structure is responsible for moving the chromosomes during mitosis?
A.      nucleolus
B.      nuclear membrane
C.      spindle
D.      cytoplasm
24 Cytokinesis begins in which phase?
A.      metaphase
B.      telophase
C.      prophase
D.      anaphase
25. Cells will generally divide when?
A.      they are 10 hours old
B.      they become infected
C.      they become too large
D.      they have no food
26. Which phase occurs directly after metaphase?
A.      anaphase
B.      telophase
C.      metaphase
D.      prophase
27. During which phase does the DNA make a copy of itself?
A.      prophase
B.      metaphase
C.      interphase
D.      anaphase
28. Each chromosome consists of 2 _____.
A.      centrofibers
B.      chromatids
C.      daughter cells
D.      centrioles

29. The process of mitosis ensures that:
A.      each new cell is genetically different from its parent
B.      each new cell receives the proper number of chromosomes
C.      cells will divide at the appropriate time
D.      DNA is replicated without errors
30. The image illustrates what phase of mitosis
A.      anaphase
B.      teleophase
C.      metaphase
D.      prophase
31. Which of the following is NOT part of mitosis
A.      prophase
B.      metaphase
C.      telophase
D.      interphase
32. Which of the following is NOT part of the chromosome?
A.      kinetochore
B.      chromatid
C.      centromere
D.      spindle
33. A cell that has 20 chromosomes undergoes mitosis. Which of the following is true?
A.      two daughter cells will be created, each have 20 chromosomes
B.      two daughter cells will be created, each have 40 chromosomes
C.      4 daughter cells will be created, each having 10 chromosomes
D.      2 daughter cells will be created, each having 10 chromosomes
34. A spindle forms during which phase?
A.      G2
B.      interphase
C.      prophase
D.      metaphase
35. Compared to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is:
A.      much larger
B.      much smaller
C.      more twisted
D.      inherited more often
36. Which of the following can be determined from a karyotype?
A.      the sex of the individual
B.      whether the individual has Down Syndrome
C.      The number of chromosomes present
D.      all of these
37. Most cells spend their lives in:
A.      prophase
B.      metaphase
C.      interphase
D.      telophase
38. Cytokinesis begins during which phase?
A.      telophase
B.      synthesis phase
C.      anaphase
D.      metaphase


1. Which structure is not part of the endomembrane system?
a. nuclear envelope
b. chloroplast
c. Golgi apparatus
d. plasma membrane
e. ER
2. Which structure is common to plant and animal cells?
a. chloroplast
b. wall made of cellulose
c. central vacuole
d. mitochondrion
e. centriole
3. Which of the following is present in a prokaryotic cell?
a. mitochondrion
b. ribosome
c. nuclear envelope
d. chloroplast
e. ER
4. Which structure-function pair is mismatched?
a. nucleolus; production of ribosomal subunits
b. lysosome; intracellular digestion
c. ribosome; protein synthesis
d. Golgi; protein trafficking
e. microtubule; muscle contraction
5. Cyanide binds to at least one molecule involved in producing ATP. If a cell is exposed to cyanide, most of the cyanide will be found within the
a. mitochondria.
b. ribosomes.
c. peroxisomes.
d. lysosomes.
e. endoplasmic reticulum.
6. What is the most likely pathway taken by a newly synthesized protein that will be secreted by a cell?
a. ER → Golgi → nucleus
b. Golgi → ER → lysosome
c. nucleus → ER → Golgi
d. ER → Golgi → vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane
e. ER → lysosomes → vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane
7. Which cell would be best for studying lysosomes?
a. muscle cell
b. nerve cell
c. phagocytic white blood cell
d. leaf cell of a plant
e. bacterial cell
9. In what way do the membranes of a eukaryotic cell vary?
a. Phospholipids are found only in certain membranes.
b. Certain proteins are unique to each membrane.
c. Only certain membranes of the cell are selectively permeable.
d. Only certain membranes are constructed from amphipathic molecules.
e. Some membranes have hydrophobic surfaces exposed to the cytoplasm, while others have hydrophilic surfaces facing the cytoplasm.
10. According to the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure, proteins of the membrane are mostly
a. spread in a continuous layer over the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane.
b. confined to the hydrophobic interior of the membrane.
c. embedded in a lipid bilayer.
d. randomly oriented in the membrane, with no fixed insideoutside polarity.
e. free to depart from the fluid membrane and dissolve in the surrounding solution.

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