Rabu, 17 Januari 2007

Science Blogging Conference in 3 Days

There are still a few more seats available for the Science Blogging Conference in Chapel Hill, NC this Saturday Jan 20, 2007.

Here is a rough agenda for my breakout session on Open Notebook/Open Source Science:

This session will cover the dissemination of primary scientific information via blogs, wikis and other non-traditional vehicles.

Types of information.

* raw experimental data (Open Notebook Science)
* analyzed data
* hypotheses
* “failed” experiments
* generalized protocols
* traditional article format


* Intellectual Property
* Referencing and claims to priority
* Academic Validation
* Peer Review – mandatory and elective


* Increasing productivity in terms of universally usable knowledge units
* Making explicit the nature and quantity of work in collaborations
* Using semantically rich formats and automation at zero publication cost – is this the way to the technological singularity?

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