Selasa, 25 Desember 2007

The Rosania Lab Open Notebook Science Wiki

I recently reported on a new collaborator who agreed to work with us in the open on modelling subcellular drug transport.

I am very pleased to report that Gus Rosania has now created an entire wiki (1CellPK) for his lab to use as an open notebook. From the home page of the wiki:

Open Notebook Science is ideally suited for community-wide collaborative research projects involving mathematical modeling and computer simulation work, as it allows researchers to document model development in a step-by-step fashion, then link model prediction to experiments that test the model, and in turn, use feedback from experiments to evolve the model. By making our laboratory notebooks public, the evolutionary process of a model can be followed in its totality by the interested reader. Researchers from laboratories around the world can now follow the progress of our research day-to-day, borrow models at various stages of development, comment or advice on model developments, discuss experiments, ask questions, provide feedback, or otherwise contribute to the progress of science in any manner possible.

How's that for a Christmas present to the Open Science community?

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