Question 5
A student carries out an activity to record the temperature change of oil and water. Both liquids are heated by identical heaters for two minutes. The initial temperature of oil and water are 30oC.Seorang pelajar membuat aktiviti untuk merekod perubahan suhu minyak dan air. Kedua cecair dipanaskan oleh pemanas yang serupa selama dua minit. Suhu awal minyak dan air adalah 30oC.

(a) Name the condition in which the temperature of the water is equal to the temperature of the thermometer.
Namakan keadaan di mana suhu air adalah sama dengan suhu termometer.
Hits for answer the problem :
Key words " temperature of the water is equal to the temperature of the thermometer."
Observe Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2. Compare,
Perhatikan Rajah 5।. dan Rajah(b) 5 .2. Bandingkan
(i) the mass of oil and mass of water.
jisim minyak dan jisim air.
Hits for answer the problem :
Observe the compression balance indicator //scale.
(ii) the temperature change in oil and also in water.
perubahan suhu minyak dan suhu air.
Hits for answer the problem :
Observe the thermometer .
(i) Compare the amount of heat supplied by the heater to the oil and to the water.
Bandingkan jumlah haba yang dibekalkan oleh pemanas kepada minyak dan kepada air.
Hits for answer the problem :
key words "Both liquids are heated by identical heaters for two minutes"
(ii) Compare the amount of heat absorbed by oil and water.
Bandingkan jumlah tenaga yang diserap oleh minyak dan air.
Hits for answer the problem :
Assuming that no heat lost to the surroundings,
Assuming that no heat lost to the surroundings,
heat received by liquids = heat given out by the heater.
Q=mcӨ = Pt
(iii) Name the physical quantity that will explain the comparison you made in 5(b)(ii).
Namakan kuantiti fizik yang menerangkan perbandingan yang dibuat dalam 5(b)(ii).
If the heating time is increased to 5 minutes, will there be any change in the physical quantity in (c)(iii)? Explain your answer.
Jika tempoh pemanasan ditambah kepada 5 minit, adakah sebarang perubahan pada kuantiti fizikal pada (c)(iii)? Terangkan jawapan anda
Suggested answers:
a) Thermal Equilibrium
i)Mass of the oil and water are same .
ii)Temperature of oil is higher than temperature of water
i) Heat supplied by the heater to the oil is equal to heat supplied to the water
ii) The amount of heat absorbed by oil and water are same .
iii) Specific heat capacity
When two objects of equal masses are heated at equal rates, the object with the smaller heat capacity will have a faster temperature increase.
The specific heat capacity of oil is smaller than water, therefore oil show higher temperature.
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