Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

La Science par Cahier de Laboratoire Ouvert à l'Acfas

On May 9, 2011 I presented remotely for the French-Canadian Association for the Advancement of Science (ACFAS). This was the first time I gave a talk about Open Notebook Science in French. In fact the last time I gave a scientific talk in French was probably in 1995, when I was doing a postdoc at the Collège de France in Paris. I remember being teased for my French Canadian accent back then so happily that wasn't an issue this time. Even though I was a bit rusty I think I managed to communicate the key points well enough. (At least I hope I did)

My presentation was a good fit for the theme of the conference: Une autre science est possible : science collaborative, science ouverte, science engagée, contre la marchandisation du savoir. (Another Science is possible: collaborative science, open science, against the commercialization of knowledge). I would like to thank the organizers (Mélissa Lieutenant-Gosselin and Florence Piron) for inviting me to participate.

I was able to record most of the talk (see below) but very near the end Skype decided to install an update and shut down so the recording ends somewhat abruptly. Given what people use Skype for, that default setting for updates really doesn't make much sense.

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