Minggu, 14 April 2013

AP Physics 1 and 2: What questions do you have for consultants?

This coming weekend (April 19-21), I'll be attending a College Board Physics Consultant meeting / training session in Chicago.  The topic:  The new courses, AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2.

For the 2013 AP Summer Institutes, the College Board is asking us to spend about 1 day out of five discussing the new exams rather than AP Physics B.  In summer 2014, the algebra-based institutes will, of course, be exclusively AP Physics 1 and 2, because Physics B will no longer be offered after 2013-14.

You can find out most of what you need to know about AP Physics 1 and 2 at the official College Board physics redesign page.

The best place to look for understanding the new courses is starting on page 131 of the curriculum framework.    I can't stand the majority of this document -- it's as dense as the watergate tape transcripts, with unfortunately fewer swear words -- but you can ferret out the general format and thrust of the exam questions by reading the sample problems on page 131 and beyond.

What other questions do you have about these new exams?  I will have a chance this weekend to talk to people who know.  What do you want me to ask them?  What sort of information that's NOT on the webpage and NOT in the curriculum framework do you want to know about?  Please email me, or post a comment, before Saturday; I'll try to investigate and share what I can.


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