Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

Physics 20 - Oct 15

Today we started on curved mirrors.  Some terminology was discussed but then we looked at how images are formed in curved mirrors.  The 4 image characteristics were stressed during the class.

In Period 2, we took a mathematical approach to finding the image and its characteristics.  We finished a couple of examples on converging and diverging mirrors and as the bell rang, Homework 2.6 was assigned.  It will not be until Thursday however.

In Period 4, we looked at the graphical approach to finding the image and its characteristics.  We finished the ray diagram for concave mirrors and then for homework, I assigned the ray diagram for convex mirrors.  There was no assignment in Period 4.  We also finished the video for the 2nd scrapbook assignment, Who Speaks for Earth.  The video is linked in an earlier blog post if you happened to miss it.

We are almost done this unit as well, so a date has been set for the unit exam.  It will happen on Wednesday, Oct 23.  Mark your calendars!!

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