Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Great Basin Plants part 3

As we moved across the playa wetlands where the Parish Phacelia was growing, we came to an emergent wetland community. Aquilegia formosa was blooming beside some open water. Two photos of the same flower from different angles.

I believe this shooting star is Dodecatheon pulchellum. There were so many of them that they turned the marsh purple/pink.

I believe this heliotrope is Heliotropium curassavicum. Gorgeous little flowers.

We were excited to find this member of the Hydrophyllacea. I believe this is Hesperochiron pumilus. It was growing in the open part of the wetland.

This Monkeyflower was blooming beside the Columbine in the wetland. I believe this is Mimulus guttatus. As with all of these flowers, feel free to comment with ID corrections.

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