Sabtu, 01 September 2007

Final Report -Nanotechnology Seminar

A report on State level Seminar on

G. Sahaya Baskaran, Staff Co-ordinator, ALPHA

Chief Guest of this valedictory function Prof. G. Eswar, Chief Superintendent, Government Hospital, Vijayawada, Rev. Fr. P. Antony the Rector, Rev. Fr. Dr. S. Emmanuel, Principal, Rev. FR. GAP Kishore, the Vice Principal of degree section, Dr. Ch. Srinivasu Dean of sciences, Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao, Head of Physics department, Mr. G. Dinesh, Chairman of ALPHA, Mr. Ch. Naveen, the secretary, Mr. Ch. Hruday joint secretary of ALPHA, Staff and Participants from different colleges, my respected colleagues of ALPHA, Student friends, Press and Electronic media, Guests, my humble greetings and wishes to you all. It gives me an immense satisfaction and joy to present before the august gathering a brief report on the weeklong state level seminar on Nanotechnology.
The seminar was organised by the students and staff of Andhra Loyola Physics association with the twin purposes of enhancing the interest in Nanotechnology, and also to bring out the hidden talents of the students. This is the fifth consecutive year this competition is being organised in response to ALPHAs quest to promote student-centered activities. Invitations were sent to 100 colleges from different parts of the state and open invitation is also extended to all those interested, through our blog on the world wide web. There are 55 participants representing 18 colleges from different parts of the state and 10 were selected to the finals. The final competition has just been completed and we are all waiting for the results.
Besides the competition, the state level seminar has brought many benefits to all those involved. From the participants point, I am sure it is an opportunity to expose and enhance their presentation skills. Each student was given a 10 minute time slot to make her / his presentation with the modern tools of presentation. As Nanotechnology is an emerging area and most of the information needed are to be obtained from internet, the participants are forced to learn or enhance their IT based skills. It is enthralling to note that all the participants of the seminar used PowerPoint presentation and no one asked for an OHP or White board even though it is made available. This indicates a shift in IT usages among the next generation.
The students displayed excellent skills of presentation. Though it is totally a new area and no text book is offering the subject, they have put in a lot of effort to collect information, analyze and synthesize their views on Nanotechnology. They have presented the basic aspects of Nanotechnology, recent trends in research like nanowires, carbon nanotubes and the applications of nanotechnology on Health care, Industry, space exploration, Food and Comforts that the technology could offer to human life. They also expressed their concern over the evil effects of Nanotechnology if used in an unplanned, unethical way. A student from Rajamundry rightly pointed out that it is not the technology that is good or bad but the human mind that uses the technology decides the fate. The students also discussed whether the Nanotechnology could improve the environment. Many feel that the technology could offer solutions to contain green house effect and energy saving measures. A few disapproved this proposition and felt that the Nanotechnology is a next generation danger as Nanoparticles are potential pollutants to the environment. A student from Maris stella college, displayed freighting pictures of Nanotechnology based medical treatment and advised to keep cool and healthy by eating good food and thinking positively about everything.
From the point of view of ALPHA, it helped all the students to learn the basic skills of event management. We have given some guidelines and left the students to organise the whole event. In my view the students of ALPHA rouse to the expectations and did it the best possible. They managed the whole show by dividing themselves into various working groups. I appreciate the efforts of various committees that took care of Reception, Programme management, Accommodation, Press relations and so on. With the limited budget, we were forced to provide moderate accommodation in New hostel and I must tell you that the students of ALPHA came forward to sacrifice their comforts for the sack of the guests. This is to note one example for the spirit of ALPHA. Likewise all the office bearers and students of ALPHA did a commendable job in planning and organizing the whole event.
I must also thank all the learned colleagues of our department and Head of the department for the continuous support to the students with a special mention to the judges of the whole event who listened to all the presentations for about 12 hours and provided the needed support and corrective advices to the participants.
I thank the management for their supreme support they have offered by providing not only the materials and infrastructure but also the inspiration to take up intellectually satisfying activities as the members of ALPHA.
I also thank Prof. R. Seshadri Naidu, Director , UGC-ASC, SV University, our well wisher for providing the UGC certificates to the winners. A special thanks to Anil Scientific company and greater scientific company for their support by sponsoring the prizes and folders.

In my view the recent trend of the students is to prefer IT based jobs only and there is a huge vacuum in research and bright students are not opting for basic sciences. This trend is not good for the overall development of the society and country. In this age of Globalization the strength of the country depends on its potential in Research and Development and it is necessary to motivate the young and bright students to take up research in Emerging fields like Nanotechnology. This seminar helped the students from different parts of the state to come together and exchange the knowledge. I hope at least a few of them who presented the seminar would go for higher studies in basic sciences like Physics, Chemistry and Biology and do research in Nanotechnology.
It is the endeavor of ALPHA to promote academic excellence and I thank the principals and staff members of various colleges for sponsoring their students and supported our views. The blogsite of ALPHA would provide periodic updates on this field and also I invite the students to contribute by sending your views to the blogsite.
Together lets grow professionally and contribute to the overall development of our nation.

Thank You

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